Tag Archives: drop and settle


my right boob actually feels like a real boob today, kinda moves like it too.  maybe its starting to drop & fluff.  still looks fake-ish haha  the left one is still very fake, and more firm.  im always working on that side as it was my tighter and higher side.  when i smoosh them together for cleavage at the bottom inside of the right one, its flat, only maybe a half inch space, so im hoping i can help massage that to even it out, nobody sees the bottom but still, i want perfect ya know?  i’ve seen photos of another lady with the flatness in her cleavage and after a month its smoothed itself out.  its just scar tissue becoming accustomed to the implant.  i cant wait till both feel as real as the right one does.  i guess i need to massage more on the left side.  doesnt help that i start my period in a couple days so theyre already kinda sore.  tons of fun!  hahaha

the numbess goes away more every few days, i keep telling myself the massaging and dragging my fingers over the numb/tingly parts helps the nerves grow back quicker. haha  either way, i get used to the feeling.  it’ll be great to be like 2-3 months post-op and see the full changes in the photos.


still only 19 days out, still high and very round.  but getting softer!!

14 days out

1 week

2 weeks

anyone but me see the subtle differences from last week?  theyre settling more, getting softer, more natural, well as natural as fake tits can look i guess.  the left side shows it a lot, last week it was still super round, it still is but slowly dropping.  im stoked.  i’m massaging more and more everday, anytime they feel sore i realize, even before implants, it hurts when youre groping and squeezing your boobs.  haha  i laid on the floor instead of the bed, on my belly to help compress them and stretch the pocket, and wow, the floor is a lot harder.  haha  took the wind out of me for a second.  but after a few rounds they feel so much better.


my only issue so far as been a mondors cord that just showed up. they are harmless and go away on there own. i can use a hot compress if they hurt at all, which they only do when i push on them. (smart huh? haha) a mondors cord is basically pissed off blood vessels. a lot of tiny pieces are having to rebuild themselves so its all normal, id be bummed if my body didnt try to fight back a little ya know? anyways, i thought i’d post a pic to show you what and how tiny and obscure they are.

today i’m just 13 days out, and my incisions are healing wonderfully, i’m having a perfect recovery. i was told to start getting used to gentle massages, just getting used ot moving the implant. i’ll probably make an appt to get my surgeon to show me some more massages, im just not comfortable with it yet. i know it will be another week before i can begin to fully mash them around but i feel like im too afraid. like how hard do i need to squeeze, and am i squeezing the implant or just my own boob? haha im a show and learn kinda girl. right now i can push them together, banging cleavage and i can lay on my stomach which is a great massage to just stretch the pocket a bit. it feels like im laying on a pool float though. hahaha i’ve seen photos of some massage that have women pushing the implant all the way up, to almost the collar bone.

i dont know if that comes with time or if i should already be able to do that, im assuming time. i personally dont want them to be able to jiggle that high. hahahahahahaha my doctor didnt try to push them like that or say i should, every doctor is different and bases your instructions on your body. i really love mine, shes wonderful. i see her again in 5 weeks for post op photos. shes very pleased with how great they look already. now just waiting for them to be soft and smooshy!!!

fashion show!

10 days out. the doctor said i look incredible, i’m so happy!!

general rundown of the process

surgery day – i was making jokes with everyone and being really positive, watching sunset tan. when they took me into the surgical room i was talking to my doctor who told me she thinks i’ll end up perfectly. i felt a cold rush in my arm and asked the guy if i should start counting down from 10, he said nope, what do you wanna talk about? i said just make me a hot chick who could be a smokin cartoon! peace. when i woke up, i was cold, which made my muscles clench. i asked for a warm blanket and got percoset, all better. got in car with maria and headed home. pretty concious all day, just heavy and little sore.

day 1 – sore, heavy & awkward, walking funny to compensate, im bad at not pushing myself up with my arms. bruising is more yellow than dark.

day 2 – bruises are darker, incisions are covered in steristrip tape, no worries in the shower. showering sucks when your cold and shivering while trying to dry off. put on regular bra, smoked weed, bbq food.

day 3 – way sore. worst day by far. anestetia wore off fully, plus the pinesol smell killed me, i vomited, which made the left one squeeze, ouch. maybe left hurts more cuz right is fully numb haha

day 4 – less sore, able to shower again, being cold while trying to dry off still sucks. i slept a lot.

day 5 – less sore, pushed using arms, very sore. changed from C cup to D cup, bra feels less tight.

day 6 – drove a manual transmission car 15 miles home fine. still very tired.

day 7 – bruising is almost totally gone. less sore everyday. i’m gradually being able to lay on my sides, feeling my arms pushing them together, i feel terrific.

day 10 – saw the doctor, told to start gentle massage in the next week, get more aggressive as i feel my body healing and adapting. the tape was taken off and my stitches will dissolve or push out of the skin over the next few weeks. she was shocked at how fast my body heals and is very proud of my progress. i can start sleeping how i want, again, as my body allows. its all common sense, really.

wanna see my juggs?

before and after photos rock my world!!

what a difference a week makes!!

holy big boobs!

so i’ve been told to wear an underwire for 24 hours a day for 3 weeks (aside form showering and such) and i’ve been good.  rocking that blue bra non stop.  but the past 2 days my left breast ached on the side, like i’d have to slide the cup over to not have it pushing on the edge.  like i was massivly off center.  my right has been totally fine.  do today i decided to try on the 34D and voila, the cup fits fully around both breasts, no pain, no pressure.  aside from the standard post-op stuff.

so here i am……rocking a 34D bra!

this time last week i was a 34AA!!  thats TRAINING BRA sizes!!

i took these as the first set of progress photos, i’m going to have to retry cause im still sorta numb so i dont realize when shits super off center or wonky hahaha   not to mention i cant stand up as straight as i’d like cause my shoulder muscles and skin are super tight. but not too fuckin shabby for a week huh?!

Before Surgery

1 Week After Surgery

today i’m going to try to shower all alone, the showering is easy, its the drying off part thats a bitch.  its easier to do things but i constantly screw myself by trying to use my arms or elbows to push myself off the bed.  the bruising isnt bad and is already lightening, and i’ve only seen 2 tiny spots of blood on the gauze, probably from wearing that 36C “too small” bra!!  hahaha

my first post-op appointment is thursday, hopefully she thinks i’m doing well cause i think i’m doing fantastic.  i’m not stoked on going back to work but more cause driving kinda sucks and i havent had to stay awake and pay attention for 8 whole hours in over a week hahahahaha

but bottom line, hooray for fuckin boobies!!

quick peek

the mornings ache, but ice for a few minutes and walking around gets rid of it. i think i’m going to try for another shower today, i kind of wish i had more of the anti nausea meds, the blood rushes when i take the bra off and i get dizzy. but that will pass in time. i still hate the pain pills. dont get me wrong, under normal circumstances i bet they rock, but i hate feeling all doped up when i know im supposed to be moving and such. im gonna call my doctor today and see how she feels about less pain meds. id like to leave the bra off more but i know i should keep it on. the bruising doesnt look too bad, ive been very gentle with myself. i think its time to eat something light and not soup. hahaha i wish i could hold up a cheeseburger!!

day 3

i felt more air bubbles today, more under the bra band.  sleeping sitting up sucks.  the incisions are sore but no more so than i expected.  my shoulders are tense, but i totally love my boobs.  the skin is tight and they are sore, but thats all what i was prepared for.  i trying half doses of the pain killers, the muscle relaxers help so much more.  and just now flowers came from my Ashley!!  shes so damn sweet!!