Category Archives: photos

fashion show!

10 days out. the doctor said i look incredible, i’m so happy!!

wanna see my juggs?

before and after photos rock my world!!

what a difference a week makes!!

holy big boobs!

so i’ve been told to wear an underwire for 24 hours a day for 3 weeks (aside form showering and such) and i’ve been good.  rocking that blue bra non stop.  but the past 2 days my left breast ached on the side, like i’d have to slide the cup over to not have it pushing on the edge.  like i was massivly off center.  my right has been totally fine.  do today i decided to try on the 34D and voila, the cup fits fully around both breasts, no pain, no pressure.  aside from the standard post-op stuff.

so here i am……rocking a 34D bra!

this time last week i was a 34AA!!  thats TRAINING BRA sizes!!

i took these as the first set of progress photos, i’m going to have to retry cause im still sorta numb so i dont realize when shits super off center or wonky hahaha   not to mention i cant stand up as straight as i’d like cause my shoulder muscles and skin are super tight. but not too fuckin shabby for a week huh?!

Before Surgery

1 Week After Surgery

today i’m going to try to shower all alone, the showering is easy, its the drying off part thats a bitch.  its easier to do things but i constantly screw myself by trying to use my arms or elbows to push myself off the bed.  the bruising isnt bad and is already lightening, and i’ve only seen 2 tiny spots of blood on the gauze, probably from wearing that 36C “too small” bra!!  hahaha

my first post-op appointment is thursday, hopefully she thinks i’m doing well cause i think i’m doing fantastic.  i’m not stoked on going back to work but more cause driving kinda sucks and i havent had to stay awake and pay attention for 8 whole hours in over a week hahahahaha

but bottom line, hooray for fuckin boobies!!

quick peek

the mornings ache, but ice for a few minutes and walking around gets rid of it. i think i’m going to try for another shower today, i kind of wish i had more of the anti nausea meds, the blood rushes when i take the bra off and i get dizzy. but that will pass in time. i still hate the pain pills. dont get me wrong, under normal circumstances i bet they rock, but i hate feeling all doped up when i know im supposed to be moving and such. im gonna call my doctor today and see how she feels about less pain meds. id like to leave the bra off more but i know i should keep it on. the bruising doesnt look too bad, ive been very gentle with myself. i think its time to eat something light and not soup. hahaha i wish i could hold up a cheeseburger!!

a first peek

i also have a huge photo group now

surgery day!!

i had a nice laugh with the staff before my surgery and my doctor told me she thinks i’ll be just fine because i’ve been so smart through this already and she could see i had a very positive attitude going into this.  she told me she’d make them look beautiful. just me but bigger, she said perfect.  i felt the IV get the super cold anesthesia and i asked the anestisiaologist if i should could from 10 or get a mask and he said no,  we can talk about anything you want.  i told them to make me look like a hot girl would would make a smoking cartoon girl. hahaha  then i told him thanks.  that was it.

i woke up apparently very well, no sickness, no crying or shaking.  they said i just woke up groggy, and talked about random shit with them, and then after about 20 minutes, (when i finally remember this) i told them it was cold and my muscles were clenching, so they gave me a percoset.  then Maria was allowed to come back and she got some discharge information and they wheeled me outside, i made a joke about how they should get a decoy for the paparazzi. haha  i’m a dork on drugs.

the gauze padding makes them seem enormous!!  im surprisingly good. i mean the muscles are sore and tight but im coherent, im walking a little every few hours, only took 4 pain pills (allowed every 1-2 hours) and 3 muscle relaxers (allowed every 4-6 hours). no nausea, just had some jello and mashed potatoes. stocked up with cartoon dvds and some water & cranberry juice. im fully amazed how ok i feel, and they look great, just me but bigger. im starting to get groggy and dumb typing this so im gonna go relax a bit more. im hoping the days just get better, but im preparing for tomorrow or day 3 to be worse.

tomorrow i can shower and begin wearing a regular bra.

photos to come

rice sizers

371cc of rice = approximate sizers

it doesnt seem that big but as i sit here wearing then, theyre huge!

my stats

26 yrs old, 5 ft 7 in, 135 lbs, 33 in Ribcage

Pre-BA: 34AA

Post- BA: Hoping a Mid/Full C

Surgeon: Dr. Hayley Brown, Las Vegas, NV